Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What I Gained?

During researching "Can I concentrate on other thing while listening to music", I got a lot of different experiences from many different people, different age a lot of different point of view on music, I have gained more confidence in speaking with people. I have learned how created a blog, change boring power point into a prezi, and learned about many sites that help me spread information such as Twitter and Facebook.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

To Me:

Music is emotionally captivating
Music is positively distracting
Music is a form of beautiful art
Passed on as a message on a public stage 
It puts me in so many different moods, it can make me really happy when I'm feeling sad or down. Music can also be the best way to tell a story.  Always there to comfort me.
I interviewed a lot of people and 70% of them said "Yes" they can concentrate on other thing while listening to music, 30% said it depend on what they're doing or what kinda of music they're listen to.

 I have to admit that listening to music whilst studying or doing homework and being able to concentrate can be a difficult task for many people.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Can you concentrated?

There’s many kind of music in this now a days, rap, hip-hop, pop, rock n roll, country, many people listen to music everyday but can most of people concentrated? How do students focus when they’re listening to music? It depend on student, some students lose their focus if they listen to any source of voice when they study but some other students prefer to listen to any kind of voice even if look noise to other people to do their jobs or homework. The latest scientific information shows that some background noise usually does help most people "tune out" noises like traffic, construction, or people talking, and help them concentrate on what they are doing. However, this music should be slow to medium paced (not fast rock or heavy metal) and have no vocals or loud drum beats.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Can I Concentrate On Other Thing While Listening To Music?

Music can really be useful when handling or managing your emotions. It is a common tool of entertainment. Do you do other things while listening to music? I mostly a lot of thing while listening to music but it seem to be complicated.